- The two parts of the registration certificate.
- The applicant’s original identity card or passport .
To obtain a registration in transit, the buyer living in an EU must provide a valid identity document (identity card – international passport). These documents must be valid. A foreign company must have a print of the companies register.
- A technical inspection still valid for at least 31 days or a technical sales inspection (request for registration)
- A sales contract or a purchase invoice:
In the case where the seller is an individual: a sales contract is required with a copy of the identity card (in the name of the seller mentioned on the previous registration certificate) . In the event that the seller is a garage or a company: the original invoice is required accompanied by proof of bank payment if the invoice exceeds €3,000
The transit plate including 1 month insurance costs €240
To obtain your transit plate and registration, same day, Ideal is to come to our office before 11:00 a.m.
For more information contact KIKITRANS
KIKITRANS. 42 rue Picard. 1080 Bruxelles
www.kikitrans.be • (+32) 02 428 50 55 • info@kikitrans.be

This plate, intended for any person or company in Belgium, It is linked with a specific vehicle in order on the Belgian territory, during a period of 20 days, to do the following formalities:
Delivery of a vehicle;
the presentation of the vehicle with a view to obtaining individual approval;
the presentation of the vehicle to an organization responsible for the technical inspection of vehicles in circulation;
- The two parts of the registration certificate. The plate of the former owner must be cancelled or transferred to another vehicle. The identity card of the applicant.
- If the vehicle is imported from abroad, an e705 document is requested as well as the foreign registration. Our offices can, if necessary, take care of the e705 document.
The national plate including insurance costs €275
If the seller is an individual:
foreign registration certificate
copy of the identity card or passport of the seller.
sales agreement.
If the buyer is an individual:
The buyer’s original identity card and be in possession of his pin code or the ITSME application on his phone.
If the seller is a company or garage :
foreign registration certificate
official garage invoice with foreign VAT number and invoice number.
If the buyer is a company or a garage:
The manager’s original identity card and be in possession of his pin code or the ITSME application on his phone.
Foreign registration certificate or European Certificate of Conformity (COC).
For more information contact KIKITRANS
info@kikitrans.be +32 (0) 2 428 50 55 www.kikitrans.be
KIKITRANS 42 rue Picard, 1080 Bruxelles
Purchase invoice and copy of registration certificate.
Your VAT will be refunded to you after scanning of the bar code of the EXA document at the EU border.